The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) is an international research effort focused on Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Disease (DIAD).

How you can help

Families & Individuals

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Healthcare Professionals

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Observational Study

By observing participants over time, our Observational Study aims to learn how Alzheimer’s disease progresses and find ways to treat and prevent the disease.

Clinical Trials

Drug trials are available for individuals who have or are at risk for dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease.


subtle world map

testimonial from team- example

“I’m a point of contact for the patient throughout their time on the trial and I coordinate their care in line with the protocol and their needs. I enjoy working closely with patients and being able to spend time with them, building a relationship. And I also have to say it is reassuring to work within a great team, as there is always peer support and someone to turn to for advice and support.”

xxx, Research Nurse, WU

Your participation and support can help us find ways to diagnose, treat and prevent inherited and other forms of Alzheimer’s disease.